Plus-Size Passenger Scolds Woman Who Switched Seats for More Room

by Anthony Losanno
Obese Passenger

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There have been quite a few vocal plus-size passengers lately. I recently wrote about the TikTok influencer who wants taxpayers to pay for her extra seat and another model who thinks airlines should widen the aisles. Now, View from the Wing reports on a woman on Reddit sharing that a passenger scolded her for switching seats so that she could be more comfortable.

Airplane Seats

A recent flight from Las Vegas to New York saw a 19-year-old female sandwiched between two plus-size passengers in a middle seat. The passengers in the aisle and window seats were encroaching on her space. She describes it as:

On either side of me, my seat neighbor’s shoulder was on top of mine and their thigh was on top of mine as well. It was a pretty long flight and was kind of uncomfortable, so about an hour and a half through, I walked up to the flight attendant and explained the situation as privately and gently as I could, and I asked if there were any other seats available. She managed to find a seat a few rows behind mine that I could sit in. Getting my bag from under the seat in front of me and moving was pretty awkward, but the rest of the flight went fine.”

Apparently, one of the passengers didn’t take kindly to this seat swap and was waiting for her after they deplaned. The seat-switching passenger further explained:

After I got off, though, the woman I was previously sitting next to was waiting for me. She essentially told me that I had embarrassed her and the other man and that traveling while plus-size is hard enough without “people treating fatness like a contagious disease”. She also said that I made it a public demonstration to everyone that plus size passengers are an “inconvenience” and opened the door to fatphobia on flights. I really didn’t mean for it to come across that way, but I can understand how it did and everyone on the flight saw me move, so now I’m wondering whether I should have just stuck it out, it’s wasn’t like I was being suffocated or anything.”

In my opinion, the woman reporting this story handled it tactfully. She did not cause a scene (per her report) and it seems like the woman she moved away from was overly sensitive.

Anthony’s Take: People need to understand that airplane seats are tiny. They continue to lose pitch over time and most average adults fill the seat. Plus-size passengers should plan ahead and buy a premium seat or two seats to accommodate their size. This woman made everyone comfortable by switching seats (I’m assuming no one occupied the seat she vacated).

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Derek June 1, 2023 - 7:53 pm

The fat woman was wrong. She was stealing part of the other woman’s seat. To prevent shoplifting, she should have bought 2 seats. I have bought business class because I wanted more space. Expensive, yes, but I am no shoplifter.

Chupame June 2, 2023 - 11:05 pm

I’m a fat man. I don’t fly because I am very fat. I drive my fat ass everywhere.

Fatimah Toucan June 3, 2023 - 9:18 am

Haha love your attitude and sense of humour

Fatty Watty beef ball patty June 3, 2023 - 12:03 pm

I’m a fat ass too- working on it though—-honestly in my previous state I wouldn’t want to sit between two “meal’s” either…She has a right to be comfortable- don’t we all?

Fatty Watty beef ball patty June 3, 2023 - 12:05 pm

“Me’s” either. Not Meals” ….but in a way it fits🥹

Kelly June 3, 2023 - 10:07 am

I love that fat people could careless if they are spilling over into your space. God forbid you want to be comfortable. How about this loss wait or buy to seats. Not my problem you can’t stop eating.

Sue June 3, 2023 - 11:01 am

I’m not fat but your grammar is horrendous. It’s not “loss wait” or “buy to seats.” It’s “lose weight” and “buy two seats.” Oh and it’s care less not careless. Yup, I’m the grammar police and it sounds like you didn’t graduate from grade school.

Fatso June 3, 2023 - 11:56 am

You sound like a fatty who secretly got offended.

Zach, PhD June 3, 2023 - 12:50 pm

The grammar you pointed out is largely an issue with thinks like multiple meaning words, homophones, homonyms, etc. Sometimes that is indicative of someone learning English as a second language. Sometimes it’s just poor grammar. Whenever I see that many mistakes, I tend to assume it’s a new language speaker. I prefer to mind my business, and to be kind. I don’t get paid to correct grammar online like I do in my professional life. Even if this is someone with poor grammar, you still understood everything they wrote enough to “police” it. All words are made up, and they’re constantly evolving. Have a seat, and buy two if you’re going to spill into mine. Thanks

Janet Manton June 3, 2023 - 3:18 pm

Plus it could be auto correct. I live in Ireland and if I want to put in, for example, the word colour many times auto correct will flag it as a spelling mistake. The USA spelling is spelt one way and European another. Yes ! ?!?! We all have to respect the way we are taught grammar. Thanks xxxx

Zach, PhD June 3, 2023 - 12:57 pm

SUE–I fixed your errors:

I’m not fat [MISSING COMMA] but your grammar is horrendous. It’s not “loss wait” or “buy to seats.” It’s “lose weight” and “buy two seats.” Oh[MISSING COMMA] and it’s care less not careless. Yup [NONSTANDARD SPELLING OF “YES”], I’m the grammar police[MISSING COMMA] and it sounds like you didn’t graduate from grade school.

I guess now I’m the grammar sherif? 🙃

Ann June 3, 2023 - 1:57 pm

It’s SHERIFF, genius.

Ila Srivastava June 3, 2023 - 3:38 pm

I get very upset when I see that you have to get sandwiched between two huge people is very uncomfortable place,plus sometimes people have body odors and not everyone wears deodorant so I always get a good seat with good price so I will not be sandwiched.

Anne June 3, 2023 - 3:11 pm

Agree 100%

Jon June 1, 2023 - 10:06 pm

So, you’re saying that anyone who doesn’t conform to the seat dimensions, which may or may not be arbitrarily established by each individual airline, should be forced to buy a premium seat or an extra seat? Should very tall people be forced to buy premium seating? Should folks who need wheelchairs be forced to buy seats in the front because it’s easier for them to get in and out of the plane?
How about the airlines establishing seat and aisle dimension standards that allow for the variability that exists among human beings? I’m not saying that there must be luxurious accommodations for each and every person who drastically exceeds the “norm”, but when comparing air travel today to what it was 20 years ago, the word sardine immediately comes to mind. The airlines can – and should – do better.

derek June 2, 2023 - 5:10 am

Some people cannot fit in small cars so they buy large SUV’s. Should car companies be forced to sell a large SUV for the price of a small car because they driver is fat? No.

What if seat pitch could be changed by a knob or lever? If so, Sprit or Frontier could sell seat pitch by the inch. Start at seat pitch of 25″. Buy more inches if you want.

Eddie A June 2, 2023 - 8:30 am

It’s really purty durned simple: if’n ya can’t fit within the confines of the seat you paid for, you should buy either a larger seat or a second seat. It certainly isn’t any other person’s fault that you are fat, and it isn’t any other person’s responsibility to bear the cost of your fatness.

Jayne Buck formerly Moore June 2, 2023 - 7:27 pm

I really feel for the girl who asked to change seats. The person taking up extra space needs to take this as a wake up call and either book extra space or lose weight. We have to pay for excess weight in luggage why not also pay for excess weight on seats?

Tina June 3, 2023 - 7:58 am

I totally agreed, overweighted or more need to realize theirs fats are very dangerous for their well being and society , think about themselves first before the others , stop stuffing themselves with foods and start moving more, for gods sake

Allison June 3, 2023 - 10:21 am

Not everyone is fat because they stuff their faces or overeat. There are medical conditions that can make people fat. How about we sit all the people who are are rude like yourself together in the small seats, that way at least larger people wouldn’t have to be made to feel embarrassed by the ugly comments.

Sue June 3, 2023 - 11:02 am

Was this in English?

No June 2, 2023 - 2:51 pm


Sarah Southgate June 3, 2023 - 1:22 am

I totally agree, most people are fat due to eating too much rubbish food, drink, etc and not exercising.
It’s rarer to be homonal/medication that causes fatness.
So lets be honest here: It isn’t a desease it is just sheet greediness.
I would have done the same as the young lady did and move if I could.
Don’t blame everyone else fat people, lose weight and get healthy rather than moan.
It’s getting bad here in the UK. So many fat people, whole families waddling around…I feel sorry for the kids who will grow into fat adults.

Allison June 3, 2023 - 10:23 am

I feel sorry for anyone having to grow up with you around. How rude can people be……

D Roberts June 3, 2023 - 1:47 pm

As a medically fat person, I understand why people say “stop eating and quit complaining”. Fat people that aren’t medically this way need to take long look in the mirror, then realize that they are encroaching on average size people’s space. It’s nice to have companies make accomodations for your size but it’s not a requirement. And if you feel embarrassed because your size is making someone uncomfortable, get over it.
“I’m black and white people get uncomfortable with my dark skin every day of my life.”

Jst me June 2, 2023 - 6:33 pm

If you take up more than 1 seat then pay for it. It really is a no Brainer. If you take 2 sodas to the cashier is cashier going to ring 1 or 2 up?

James Kelly June 2, 2023 - 7:22 pm

I assume you are a larger person. Anyone who is normal weight never complains about their seat being too small. Buy two seats or a first class seat. If a fat person is sitting in half of my seat, they need to pay half of my ticket.

Katy marie benson June 2, 2023 - 8:23 pm

I have to cuddle with strangers it’s not fun. She want mean about it and if the two overweight people says next to each other then she could have learned over some but instead they pick the comfortable seats then expect to to be squared like a sausage. The hotel that moved was heated but the date person and she should have turned her into to the airline

Holly June 3, 2023 - 8:54 am

Well this is certainly incoherent.

James Kelly June 2, 2023 - 7:25 pm

Yes to all of your questions!

PJ Wynn June 2, 2023 - 10:06 pm

The normal sized person shouldn’t be made to feel bad because she doesn’t want to be squished between two large people, either! I’m claustrophobic, so it would freak me tf out. Blame the airline all you want, but not that poor girl. She did nothing wrong.

Damien June 3, 2023 - 4:40 am

My husband is too tall for a regular coach seat so he has to pay extra to be seated with more legroom

Liza June 3, 2023 - 7:26 am

I totally understand that , my son is 6″10″ and I’m 6″3″. He always have to get first class sit and I get premium. Yes, it hurts to pay but traveling uncomfortable isn’t an option. I also was overweight and because I want to be confortable I did lost a lot of weight. I refuse to blame people for my own issues.

Garrett June 3, 2023 - 5:00 am

A tall person or the wheelchair bound fall in the same category?! Are you serious Jon? Nature made them tall, some condition left them bound to the need for a wheelchair. No one shoveled food in your mouth but YOU! Take responsibility for you and your fellow traveler. Pay your way or don’t fly. I worked 911 for 20+ years and one thing I noticed about the morbidly obese who constantly told me they couldn’t walk, I never found feces on the couch and the carpet between the couch and fridge was smooth. They are able, for the most part, to correct their situation. Eat healthier, get up and move. I’m no beacon of healthy and certainly have never had anything close to a 6 pack but TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for yourself. How entitled you must feel to expect an INDUSTRY and the entire public to cater to YOU. Ugh!

Rick B June 3, 2023 - 6:38 am

LWel said

Susan C Evans June 3, 2023 - 10:33 am

People can’t help being tall but they can certainly help gorging themselves to the point that they take up a seat and a half.
All the extra weight also Burns more aviation fuel. They should pay a surcharge by paying for an extra seat or one of the premium seats made larger to accommodate their girth.

Miguel June 2, 2023 - 6:13 am

i think i would be considered a plus size passenge… but sorry…if you know you going to spill into someone else’s area, then you need to make some type of accommodations for your self. I know I don’t fit in a middle seat… so i will not fly in one. I fly isle seat so I can lean to the isle… and if I were to get bigger where that can’t fix the issue then I have to consider purchasing 2 seats. it is completely selfish to think that because you are plus size, the ever other passenger has to accommodate you.

Kristina June 2, 2023 - 9:27 am

It would help if the airlines have bigger seats to begin with not everyone is a size 2 and 4 feet tall. But if your a super sized person please understand people don’t want or need to be squished by you taking over their personal space so if they are able to move it is better for them and you because you now have extra room to be more comfortable don’t complain.

Katherine June 2, 2023 - 11:35 am

If I’m in a middle seat, and there’s another seat available, I would move even if I was between two average sized people.

Zesti June 2, 2023 - 3:22 pm

Honestly, same, lol. I always choose aisle or window.

EV June 2, 2023 - 11:38 am

I’m plus size and while I can fit in my own seat, I usually spend the entire flight trying to compress my body as much as possible so I don’t encroach on my neighbor. My body is my own cross to bear, someone sitting next to me shouldn’t have to be in discomfort as well.

I applaud how the OP handled this. She tried to make things more comfortable for everyone involved and handled it with grace. She doesn’t owe her seat neighbors an explanation or apology. If this happened to me, yes I would be embarrassed but also relieved that now I could relax and enjoy the rest of my flight.

Bottom line: Airlines reducing seat sizes are definitely factors in this ongoing conflict of personal space, but the person purchasing that seat also needs to be held responsible. If you know you’re going to encroach onto another seat/person, either ask the gate agent if they can find you a seat with a spare next to it, or purchase an additional one.

Garrett June 3, 2023 - 5:04 am

Thank you, whole heartedly

Jill June 2, 2023 - 11:52 am

I’ve been squeezed in my aisle seat bcuz there was a plus sized couple sitting in the seats next to me. Really sucked and they had a problem with me wanting my entire seat for which I had paid. I have found that airlines don’t care and have no policy about what to do in these situations.

Ken June 2, 2023 - 1:26 pm

I have flown a few times when a large person tries to immediately lift up the arm rest cause they need more room. I make certain that doesn’t happen and try as politely but firmly, to leave the armrest down as that extra space is mine. The lady in the middle tried to make everyone more comfortable as discreetly as possible. Shame on the oversized woman (wonder if her name was Karen) for confronting her. She should have thanked her for resolving the problem for all three people by being willing to move to another seat.

Trix Wellborn June 2, 2023 - 1:41 pm

All plus-size customers should look into Southwest Airlines policy on customers of size. I buy two seats up front and get reimbursed for the second seat after the flight. It helps the airline prepare for the flight properly. When you buy the customer of size ticket you automatically get priority boarding as well. 😉

IN ADDITION, no change fees, no baggage fees for the first two bags, and you feel like a human at the end of the day, not like a humongous burden people are annoyed with.🤷🏼

Zesti June 2, 2023 - 3:24 pm

Truth, I always fly Southwest if I can.

Fred Sorenson June 2, 2023 - 2:09 pm

If there is an alternative available I’m not going to be forced to be creamed between two people that make me uncomfortable. That means they are either too large for the seat, they are waring a scent that I can’t stand, the are rude, they are loud,they are dress inappropriate, it doesn’t matter, I’m moving. If they are embarrassed because I choose to be more comfortable that’s on them to either manage their size, or their situation. I don’t have to be forced to deal with it.

Nicolette Meyer June 2, 2023 - 2:53 pm

Fatness is not a disability. It is almost always self inflicted. People can’t help being tall or disabled. They can help being obese

Danielle June 2, 2023 - 6:21 pm

To say that obese is 100% self inflicted is an ignorant response. While some people do suffer from poor diet and lack of physical activity, there is other factors often times at play. I had to learn this the hard way, due to medical staff previously blaming my medical issues on overeating. While I no longer suffer, I do take what you have to say personally. Please take the time to educate yourself on the matter before spewing such.

Yup June 2, 2023 - 10:56 pm

They never said it is 100% self inflicted, they said almost always, which is absolutely true.

Garrett June 3, 2023 - 5:09 am


Mary Dunn June 2, 2023 - 2:57 pm

There is nothing more uncomfortable than sitting next to someone that spills over into the seat I have purchased for myself. When our bodies are touching from the thigh to the knee and I’m sitting sideways so our shoulders aren’t also touching, it’s definitely invading my personal space. I wish all airlines would follow the Southwest model for those that need more space.

Vickie Callson June 2, 2023 - 3:04 pm

Years ago I traveled quite a bit for business, this is back when the seats and legroom weren’t nearly as cramped as today. I had a window seat and didn’t fill it at all. Like when i thought 120 lbs was heavy!! A very large man sat in the middle seat and was WAY over into my sear. He asked for a seat belt extender and while the flight attendant was walking away he said to me, “Oh don’t worry as soon as a flight attendant sees me crammed in here they will give me a first class seat!” I just sat there crammed into the window and didn’t know what to say!! Soon a flight attendant approached me and said to ME, “Let’s get you a bigger seat in first class. And sir, that arm rest needs to be down all the way for take off and landing. And please make sure you fasten your seatbelt!” I just followed the flight attendant up to first class! Carma is a bitch!

Zesti June 2, 2023 - 3:20 pm

As a plus size passenger I’m very aware of how much space I take up and I’m always apologetic to whomever is sitting next to me. I believe poster was completely within her rights to ask for a different seat if one was available, and I personally would have been grateful for the chance to spread out without infringing on anyone else. I would have thanked poster for taking the initiative to find another seat. Plus sized passenger was just being a bitch.

Captainkelp June 2, 2023 - 4:03 pm

How about if you are a fat ass, stop eating so much and begin a healthy regiment. If I paid for a seat, I really don’t want your nasty fat to intrude in my seat. What is so hard about understanding etiquette and physically boundaries. Sorry that you cannot control your eating habits. If I had to sit next to lizzy, I would throw up.

Adam Delaup June 2, 2023 - 4:25 pm

I’m a big ole boy!! Am I morbidly obese like the Doctors say. I’m 6’3 320. Some seats are small. I make it a point to get the window seat and squish as much as I can!!! People need to learn to be considerate!!! As long airlines have middle seats the other passengers in that aisle should try to make the middle person comfortable. Grow up people!!! It’s not always about you!!!

James Kelly June 2, 2023 - 7:32 pm

Ot sounds like it’s all about you. Buy another seat fatty!

PJ Wynn June 2, 2023 - 10:30 pm

James Kelly, you’re a complete ass! The man said he was considerate of those sitting next to him. If he’s 6’3″, he’s going to weigh more. Most football players and pro wrestlers are bigger, too. I bet you wouldn’t call Dwayne Johnson (6’3″ and almost 300 lbs) a “fatty.”

Pip June 2, 2023 - 11:15 pm

I was on a 5 hour flight once, in a window seat, where the person next to me was really big, and proceeded to lift up the armrest and spill over into about a third of my seat. I asked the flight attendant to re-seat me. She did nothing. Never again. Either I move, the other person moves, or one of us takes a later flight. If that person is me, so be it. I will never be suffocated for 5 hours again.

James Kelly June 2, 2023 - 7:32 pm

Ot sounds like it’s all about you. Buy another seat!

Anne Schmidt June 3, 2023 - 12:53 am

What no one has addressed is that the ‘average’ size person in the US is now considered obese. 60%, projected to be 80% in 10 years. In contrast, the airlines have reduced the size of seats by up to 35% in the last 20+ years. The increase in in air passenger violence may have been a byproduct of this policy/problem. People all over the world have increased in size due to society’s advances that have provided better access to food worldwide. I’m not advocating for obesity, just saying this problem is probably going to get much worse.

Ken June 2, 2023 - 4:34 pm

I just got off a 8 hour flight from London to Miami. I paid $70 to get a seat with more legroom. I’m 6’6″ and didn’t bitch about the extra cost. I can’t help my height, but fatties can go on a diet. If you need extra room, pay for it.

Lee June 2, 2023 - 5:01 pm

What a nice lady! To quietly, politely solve the issue. I would be grateful for a kind person to handle it discreetly. I’m a tall, overweight senior citizen with mobility issues. I fly Southwest whenever I can and pay for two seats. The pre boarding means I can be safely tucked into my two seats when everyone else boards. On a recent long haul overseas trip on a different airline, I paid $$$ for two premium seats. I don’t think it’s right to intrude on others space. I truly wish the other airlines would adopt Southwest policies for customers of size. It makes air travel must less stressful.

Lee June 2, 2023 - 5:01 pm

What a nice lady! To quietly, politely solve the issue. I would be grateful for a kind person to handle it discreetly. I’m a tall, overweight senior citizen with mobility issues. I fly Southwest whenever I can and pay for two seats. The pre boarding means I can be safely tucked into my two seats when everyone else boards. On a recent long haul overseas trip on a different airline, I paid $$$ for two premium seats. I don’t think it’s right to intrude on others space. I truly wish the other airlines would adopt Southwest policies for customers of size. It makes air travel must less stressful.

Susan Danieley June 2, 2023 - 5:41 pm

I have been larger in the past and tried to not encroach on others. Even now I still try to respect others space. This problem is so complex. I feel if the flight is less than 2 hours people should get along for the duration. There are so many problems with all uncomfortable situations like a a screaming baby or disabled person or folks who need to realize if you want first class service and experience then buy a first class ticket. I could go on and on but in today’s situation economy class should only expect a safe ride from point to point quickly and a beverage . I drive or take the train when possible just to avoid the drama

PJ June 2, 2023 - 6:51 pm

Funny how the plus sized passenger was angry at the OP for making her feel uncomfortable by moving, but failed to see how SHE made OP physically uncomfortable by encroaching on her space.

So she thought she should shame a 19 year old for advocating for herself. That woman needs to remember that it’s not always about her.

mark99k June 2, 2023 - 7:26 pm

As a result of the other woman’s re-seating, the 2 overweight passengers got substantial EXTRA SPACE, FOR FREE. How baffling that they were still pissed off about it. It sounds like the other woman could not have been more discreet, but these clowns still took offense. Grow up.

Glofish June 2, 2023 - 9:19 pm

It should be no surprise to large people that they won’t fit in average airplane seats without encroaching on spaces beside them. So, if they choose not to budget in the cost of of seating to accommodate themselves, they have no right to admonish travelers who do not want to bear the brunt of their choices. Airfares are not cheap, and if a more comfortable seat is available, there should be no repercussions for accepting ot.

Glofish June 2, 2023 - 9:21 pm

It should be no surprise to large people that they won’t fit in average airplane seats without encroaching on spaces beside them. So, if they choose not to budget in the cost of seating to accommodate themselves, they have no right to admonish travelers who do not want to bear the brunt of their choices. Airfares are not cheap, and if a more comfortable seat is available, there should be no repercussions for accepting it.

Danielle June 2, 2023 - 10:12 pm

Honestly, the seats have gotten smaller over the years and as a heavier woman, yes it’s uncomfortable. However, I don’t expect anyone else to be put out because of MY size. To expect a regular sized person to sit in between two obese people is absolutely ridiculous and unfair. The normal sized person didn’t ask the overweight people to stuff themselves to obesity, so they shouldn’t expect her to be inconvenienced because YOU are overweight. New York to Las Vegas is a long flight. Why should she be uncomfortable just to spare your feelings. If you want to be overweight, that is your right, but she has the right to be in her seat without two obese people spilling into HER seat.

PJ Wynn June 2, 2023 - 10:33 pm

James Kelly, you’re a complete ass! The man said he was considerate of those sitting next to him. If he’s 6’3″, he’s going to weigh more. Most football players and pro wrestlers are bigger, too. I bet you wouldn’t call Dwayne Johnson (6’3″ and almost 300 lbs) a “fatty.”

Pip June 2, 2023 - 11:55 pm

I was on a 5 hour flight once, in a window seat, where the person next to me was really big, and proceeded to lift up the armrest and spill over into about a third of my seat. I asked the flight attendant to re-seat me. She did nothing. Never again. Either I move, the other person moves, or one of us takes a later flight. If that person is me, so be it. I will never be suffocated for 5 hours again.

John Whitticomb June 3, 2023 - 12:29 am

This behavior is tyipcal of the “plus-sized” (even to rename fat as something other than fat is typical) Take responsibility for your own size…do not blame the middle seat passenger for wantine the full seat she paid for without your overflow. If you want to stop being embarrassed, put down the big mac.

Wong Seng June 3, 2023 - 3:18 am

Let me ‘weigh’ on this, a bit – Nothing is wrong to change seat quietly. Why the plus size lady so sensitive. Moving away and leaving the middle seat empty is a win-win situation for everyone involved. I will not fell bad if being told off during disembarkation I will just shrug it off and move on. It’s the plus size lady problem, not yours.

Aub June 3, 2023 - 3:43 am

As an overweight person, I side with the woman who moved. I would have been absolutely mortified if someone moved to be more comfortable, but I’d literally never blame them. I have severe sensory issues and can’t handle being in a middle seat in the first place, let alone between two people that kept brushing me. If I was in her situation I would have had a meltdown and brought even more attention to what was going on than just moving peacefully. The confrontation was stupid, and while I agree that planes should be more accessible for everyone, in the end those two got more space and the woman wasn’t left uncomfortable for the whole flight. I guarantee very few people on that flight were paying attention, and even fewer cared about it beyond passing curiosity.

Aub June 3, 2023 - 3:55 am

Also adding to the whole weight thing now thst I’ve read other people’s comments. Some of things y’all are saying is absolutely disgusting and discriminatory. Not everyone that’s overweight is like that because they overeat or don’t make the right lifestyle choice. Personally I’m overweight because I have pcos, pots, my spine is fucked, and I need a knee replacement. By body is insulin resistent which causes major weight gain for me regardless of what I eat and I can’t phsycially exercise in a way that promotes weight loss.

I agree that people who are larger than average should consider purchasing an extra seat, but weight isn’t always the cause of that either. A 300lb body builder is gonna have the exact same problem as someone who’s weight is all fat. Planes need to be more accessible because of both oversized people and disabled people. Hell bigger planes would even help petite, able-bodied people who have kids or need to work while in the air. Planes suck and there’s a lot that can be improved upon if people get over the “just buy an extra seat” mentality and start trying to fix things

Paradise Traveller June 3, 2023 - 4:38 am

The lady who asked to move seats was perfectly justified to do so because SHE too had paid for a seat. It’s no fun being stuck between two fat people for 5+ hours. Nothing for or against fat people but they can’t be so sensitive at the expense and discomfort of another passenger. Agree to what most others have commented on: they should either pay for their own comfort by upgrading or buying two seats. I have been in this situation on a very long flight from Sao Paulo to Dubai and I spent close to 16 hours with my shoulders raised to my ears!!!!! I could not even eat properly because of the bulk of my fellow passengers. Well done lady! You handled it so well and you were so lucky that the plane was not full so you could move seats. If I were the fatty and reading this, I would just try to lose some weight!

Brad June 3, 2023 - 7:08 am

I am Fat and think this fat lady is wrong. I am fat because I eat to much shitty food and sit all day it isn’t a disease it’s my own fault. It’s this fat ladies own fault too.

I would never want to encroach on someone’s seat. If I fly I purposely I purchase first class or premium.

I hate people that say being is a disease.

This fatty needs to thanks the women for moving.

Alice June 3, 2023 - 7:22 am

I’m large enough that I know I won’t even fit in a single seat if I tried to, and two is still a squeeze. My belly is large enough to fill all the space in front of the seat so I make sure to always book two, and take the window seats to not cause a problem.

It’s not that complicated really.

Dominic Poliso June 3, 2023 - 7:55 am

I am a Dr. Experience has demonstrated in approximately 90% obesity is a Disease of choice. I have a feeling the plus sized passengers were in that category.

Sometimes hormonal imbalances may cause obesity.

If you chose to eat, not work out , or listen to a Dr.’s advice ” you need to eat healthy and lose 50 pounds” you made the bed now lay in it.

I have no sympathy for someone so selfish that they find passion in waiting for someone as they deplane to express negativeness. Are we all still in high school?

Janice June 3, 2023 - 8:40 am

Interesting that the two larger people, knowing their size opted to sit in separate seats instead of adjacent seats. Their actions imply they know they were oversized

Margo June 3, 2023 - 8:53 am

So somehow this got detracted from the fact that the oversize person was “offended ” that someone didn’t want to be between 2 oversized people. Why was she/he offended. The person that moved gave them both more space that should have been a blessing. Complaining person seems to have personal issues she needs to deal with. Most people are happy when the middle person moves to another row regardless of their size. People need to start thinking “live and let live” everyone has choices, if it doesn’t physically hurt you, leave it alone.

Caroline June 3, 2023 - 9:53 am

The entitlement of the fat woman is ridiculous. Maybe this should tell her to put her damn fork down and do something about her bad habits. But I can tell that she’s in total denial and feels others should cater to her.

Den B. June 3, 2023 - 2:06 pm

HELL, I’m fat and I don’t want to sit in the middle. PERIOD.

Mara June 3, 2023 - 2:33 pm

I had a experience like that. When I got to my seat I saw that I wouldn’t fit there.
But before I said anything to the flight attendant, she said she was looking for me and put me somewhere else.

Nancy June 3, 2023 - 3:02 pm

When I was heavier I hated to fly – but I LOVE Southwest Airlines, they saved me. They will allow you to buy a 2nd seat. If the flight is not full, they will refund you the cost of the 2nd seat, and you get to pre-board. It’s really a win-win situation. Most fares are not that expensive, pick of seat, YOU are comfortable, and your seat companion is also comfortable.


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