This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things. Man Loots Admirals Club Snacks.

by Anthony Losanno
Man Steals Snacks MIA

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Lounges provide a space for eating, drinking, working, and relaxing before a flight. It’s supposed to be an elevated experience and a premium offering for select passengers who pay to enter or for a membership, fly premium cabins, or have certain elite statuses. In most lounges, everything (or most items as some have upsells for more luxe booze and food) is complimentary and some people cannot help themselves but to over indulge. Now eating a big meal or having a few drinks is one thing, but loading up Ziploc bags to essentially loot the lounge’s snacks for later consumption is a big no no. Recent photos show one passenger doing just that and it’s just another example of why airlines cut back when costs (like stuffing bags of snacks in your carry on) rise.

@sobeseth posted the photos above of a male passenger at one of American Airlines’ Admirals Clubs in Miami International Airport (MIA). You can clearly see the man filling gallon-sized Ziploc bags with snacks and then hauling his loot out of the lounge. This is not right, but hardly the only time this happens. I’ve witnessed firsthand as people have stuffed fruit, chips, brownies, cookies, and even soup (coffee cups filled and stowed away) into their bags to take out of the lounge. This is not the intent of a lounge and if you want to take something it should be from a designated grab-and-go section like what is offered in Capital One Lounges, some Delta Sky Clubs®, and United’s Club Fly in Denver International Airport (DEN) (more here).

Anthony’s Take: I’ve reported people (and confronted some directly) that are blatantly hoarding food and taking it out of the lounge and I wish this poster would have also. When people do this, it leads the managers of these lounges to cut back and offer less or raise the fees for entry in order to control costs.

(Featured Image Credit: @sobeseth via Instagram.)

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Linda May 27, 2024 - 10:25 pm

They should figure out who did this from his proof of entry into the lounge and let him know he is blocked future lounge visits. Then he would be stopped from doing this in the future and everyone wouldn’t pay for his choice, just him. News of consequences for this behavior would stop others from doing it.

DeltaFanDontBan May 31, 2024 - 11:13 am

I take chips or a banana. Dont tell God.


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