Air Traffic Control Tower Catches Fire at Charlotte Douglas International Airport

by Anthony Losanno
Charlotte Fire

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Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) saw its air traffic control tower catch fire this morning around 8:10 AM EST. The fire broke out in the old air traffic control tower and thankfully there were no injuries or disruptions to airport operations.

Four construction workers were briefly trapped by the fire, but they were able to get themselves out unharmed. Firefighters controlled the blaze quickly and it’s unclear as to how the fire started. The old tower is in the process of being demolished.

Anthony’s Take: Luckily, there were no injuries and the airport did not have to shutdown. We’ll see what caused the fire once this is further investigated.

(Featured Image Credit: Clara Buchholz.)

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1 comment

Christian June 20, 2024 - 1:24 pm

I guess I’m being obtuse but I really don’t see how a fairly modern control tower made of concrete and modern (presumably fireproof) materials can catch fire.


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